Transportation Agreements
The American Trucking Association ("ATA") and the National Industrial Traffic League ("NITL"), a large shipper's group, have published a model truckload motor carrier-shipper agreement with commentary. See ATA/NITL Agreement.
This Agreement is an excellent starting point for negotiating motor carrier service terms and conditions. Because it is a negotiated agreement between major trucking and shipping organizations, it should be presented as a fair compromise.
In my book, "Protecting Motor Carrier Interests in Contracts", I list the "Dirty Dozen" or 12 typical contract provisions which appear in shipper generated contracts and which must be exercised from the contract as part of a carrier review.
Use of the ATA/NITL model contract will largely render this contract work unnecessary. Major issues such as (1) shipper's unilateral right of offset; (2) overbroad indemnity provisions; (3) confusing additional insured language; (4) incorporation of special and consequential damage provisions; (5) failure of duty to mitigate; (6) the absence of interest on late payments; have all been addressed and satisfactorily resolved from a motor carrier point of view.
The document
as published on the ATA's includes commentary and instruction. Because
the agreement has been endorsed by major shipper organizations, I highly
recommend that carriers enter negotiations with the position that the
model agreement is a fair and proper starting place.
E. Seaton
to the provisions of 49 U.S.C. §14101(b), carriers may enter written
signed agreements with shippers and brokers which may expressly waive
application of otherwise applicable general rules of federal transportation
law. A great majority of the interstate truckload traffic in this country
moves pursuant to such contract, which can contain provisions that dramatically
and adversely effect the rights and remedies of motor carriers. Broadly
worded indemnity clauses, the granting of the unilateral right to offset
unliquidated damage claims against freight charges, and draconian insurance
provisions are just some of the issues which carriers must understand.
Some of these contracting issues are discussed in the attached article
and our firm has prepared a booklet to be used as a contracting aid
by its clients in formulating and reviewing transportation agreements.
A large portion of our practice is devoted to transportation contracting,
including agreements for dedicated services and logistics contracts.
For many clients, we provide a legal review of all long term contracts
before they are executed. We work closely with carriers, shippers, and
intermediaries template contracts to meet their transportation needs.
It is a tool for use in the spot market where shipments are handled
on a one time load-by-load basis we have designed abbreviated shipper/carrier
and broker/carrier agreements which follow.
These agreements incorporate the essential elements of the most basic
agreements and conform with general principles of transportation law.
The provisions are intended to be even-handed and have been reviewed
by both carrier and broker clients as well as members of the National
Association of Small Trucking Companies. You may use these forms with
Broker/Carrier Agreement
Rules Circulars
shipments move on rate confirmation sheets or other abbreviated notices
but the parties have no agreement about general rules of commerce, claims
processing or accessorial charges. Carriers are allowed to publish rates
and rules tariffs to be provided to their customers upon request and
every thoughtful carrier should have such a publication. Carriers who
do not have a thorough rules tariff should consult their transportation
consultant or call this firm.
Actual notice on the contents of a carrier's rules tariff is a major
issue for the shipping community. After the undercharge fiasco, shippers
were reluctant to incorporate any outside provisions which they have
not thoroughly reviewed and agreed to. Included here is a two-page Statement
of Services which is short enough to be included with carrier solicitation
material or included as an attachment to abbreviated contracts and load
confirmation sheets. Also enclosed is a summary of important provisions
in a typical truckload carrier's rules tariff which can be used as a
checklist by the reader to ensure these important issues are addressed
up front with the shipper or broker before the traffic is handled.
Every carrier should have a thorough Rules Tariff which addresses each
of these issues. This firm maintains comprehensive rules tariff provisions
for its clients' use. To overcome shipper or broker reticence to incorporate
a carrier's rules circular and provisions into contracts by reference,
we suggest that you place these provisions on your website and incorporate
a written notice in your agreement: "Governing rules and provisions
can be found at ''.
Bills of Lading
is no specified bill of lading required by federal regulation. Carriers,
not shippers or brokers, are required to issue the receipt or bill of
lading, but all that is required of its content is that the consignor
and consignee be named, the origins and destinations identified, the
number of packages, the description of the freight, and the weight,
volume or measurement for rating purposes be included. 49 C.F.R. §§373.
Traditionally, the industry has used the uniform straight domestic bill
of lading published by the National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC).
This bill of lading traditionally tracked the mandatory bill used by
railroads and barge lines. With deregulation, a number of different
bills of lading have been promulgated by special interest groups. NMFC
convened a group of interested carriers and shippers simplifying its
straight bill of lading, to give effect to the changes in recent deregulation.
It is the firm's position that there needs to be an industry standard
and that the standard bill of lading published by National Motor Freight
reflects the traditional and accepted rules of commerce. It is suggested
that motor carriers pay the subscription dues to NMFC (the bill of lading
is copyrighted but is not enforced). Carriers should note in their rules
circulars and contracts that the terms and conditions of the uniform
straight bill of lading shall apply and that drivers sign non-conforming
bills of lading as receipt of the goods only.
For more on contracts, tariffs and bill of lading, refer to the Articles on Transportation Law.